… Well the first draft of it is anyway.
The first draft of my comedy play Heroes for Hire is finally done! It’s been a good few months in the making and it’s safe to say, life, in anyway that it can, has tried to get in the way! As such I have decided to dedicate this post to listing the many ways I have found too distract myself from writing.

1. YouTube: most People use YouTube to look at funny videos of cats. Don’t get me wrong the hours I spend trawling through cats falling off of tables will hold a special place in my heart but I am talking about music videos specifically. And more specifically then that I am talking about the fact I am broke and therefore cannot afford to purchase music so therefore watch the latest tracks on line instead. Now as if it isn’t painfully obvious I am a drama queen, so a great deal of my procrastination process involves playing my latest ‘oh my god this is my jam, no really this was written about me’ song and singing along in my hairbrush or coming up with a poorly choreographed dance routine to said song.

2. Make friends with people who are as easily distracted as you are: ‘oh fancy going out?’ ‘shouldn’t you be working on your play?’ ‘Yeah your righ…. Oh wow look a bunny’ ‘no shit, look at that, oh you know what we should do?! Lets go to pets at home and look at the bunnies’

3. Have an unhealthy obsession to tea: I mean seriously unhealthy, if I had to pick between my loved ones and never drinking tea again I would seriously have to weigh up the pros and cons. This obsession makes for a nice break from staring at your ipad in vaine just trying to figure out how you are going to convince two actors that performing a whole 45 min play in Lycra under hot spotlights for no money is the best use of their summer.

4. Enjoy the finer things in life: and no I don’t mean designers, I am thinking more realistic finer things, so the things us normal people give themselves as a treat. For this I mean trips to London, or shopping or a dinner out. This provides ample opportunity for procrastination. And don’t just think about the treat itself, get creative, think things like ‘oh I will need an hour to get ready’ and ‘I couldn’t possibly write on the train’ and of course the classic ‘oh I had a glass (or 7) nothing I can possibly write will be funny once I am sober.

5. Be a struggling actress: though I recently received my first paid roll, thus giving me the well earned title of professional actress I am still a long way from that BAFTA red carpet. This provides a very good guilt free procrastination tool. I spend pretty much every hour I am not at work on set, auditioning or working on short film, television and theatre projects. ‘So how could I possibly have time to write?! I am after all striving tirelessly to build two substantial careers in the creative industry for myself’

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